
The Youth 2000 National Safeguarding Officer is Phoebe Watson

Email Phoebe on

Republic of Ireland

Youth 2000 is under the auspices of the National Youth Council of Ireland for the purposes of safeguarding.  The National Youth Council of Ireland is the representative body for national voluntary youth work organisations in Ireland.

The Youth 2000 Safeguarding Policy is in full compliance with the National Youth Council of Ireland and has developed specific policies and procedures on how to create a safe environment to prevent deliberate harm or abuse to the children availing of their services. This Safeguarding Policy be found on Final – Safeguarding policy for Children – May 2023 . Youth 2000 also publishes its Safeguarding Statement in line with Tusla regulations and this can be found here. Accompanying this, Youth 2000 carries our comprehensive risk assessment on all its activities in conjunction with Insurance and Health and Safety Professional, as well as experienced Youth Ministers.

Youth 2000 has appointed and trained Designated Liaison Persons (DLPs) who have been appointed to ensure that reporting procedures within Youth 2000 are followed, and so that child welfare and protection concerns are referred promptly to Tusla.

The Designated Liaison Person for Youth 2000 Ireland is:

  • Phoebe Watson

Some designated liaison persons will be working in organisations where mandated persons are also employed.

Youth 2000 expects that all its volunteers, employees and attendees to report child protection concerns over a defined threshold to Tusla or to the Safeguarding Officer for Youth 2000.

Youth 2000 volunteers are vetted, identifiable at residential events and familiar with safeguarding requirements.

You can find more information about how to recognise signs of abuse on the Tusla website.

Important Safeguarding Information/Emergency Contact Information

Below is the relevant contact information for the Republic of Ireland as followed by Youth 2000:

Best practice in Safeguarding Children and Young People

If you have a concern… TELL SOMEONE!

If you have any concerns about:

  • A child or young person’s welfare
  • The behaviour of an adult towards a child
  • Or that they may be suffering abuse

Contact one of the following:

Your local HSE office / Garda Station

The Youth 2000 Designated Safeguarding Officer

The Youth 2000 National Safeguarding Officer is Phoebe Watson, email: (pictured above)

Further details can be found in the above linked safeguarding Policy for Youth 2000 in the Republic of Ireland. For more information please contact the Youth 2000 Designated Safeguarding Officer.

Alternatively, you can contact:

TUSLA – All details of who to contact available on their website here

HSE Local – 1850 241 850

Garda Confidential Line – 1800 666 111 (To report matters of crime which would include any alleged abuse)

To find relevant Garda Stations:

Other services include:

Childline – 1800 66 66 66

Teenline (8pm-11pm) – 1800 83 36 34

Samaritans – 116123

Rape Crisis Centre – 1800 77 88 88

Pieta House (Suicide) – 1800 247 247


Youth 2000 requires all volunteers to undergo the following procedure and to pass the the checks and meet all the requirements therein:


  • Youth 2000 requires all its volunteers to have a full police background check. To begin this process contact



  • You will have to undergo training with the Youth 2000 DLP. This will be completed in person or online and will contain a focus on the procedures within Youth 2000.


Volunteer Brochure: Click here – Youth 2000 Safeguarding Brochure ROI


Northern Ireland

As Northern Ireland is under a different jurisdiction, a separate Safeguarding Policy is required. This policy has been approved by the NSPCC (National Society for Protection of Cruelty to Children), and Volunteer NOW and is in accordance with the legislation in Northern Ireland. This policy can be viewed here.

Below is the relevant contact information for Northern Ireland as followed by Youth 2000:

Best practice in Safeguarding Children and Young People

If you have a concern… TELL SOMEONE!

If you have any concerns about:

  • A child or young person’s welfare
  • The behaviour of an adult towards a child
  • Or that they may be suffering abuse

Contact one of the following:

  • Your local Social Services / PSNI
  • The Youth 2000 Designated Safeguarding Officer

The Youth 2000 National Safeguarding Officer is Phoebe Watson, email: 

Further details can be found in the above linked safeguarding Policy for Youth 2000 in the Northern Ireland. For more information please contact the Youth 2000 Designated Safeguarding Officer.

Alternatively, you can contact:

PSNI Exchange: 0845 600 5000 (Non-emergency police number)

NSPCC Child Protection Helpline: 0808 800 5000

HSC – Telephone numbers of relevant local offices may be obtained from:

  • Northern Trust – 0845 601 2333
  • Belfast Trust – 028 9096 0000
  • South Eastern Trust – 028 9266 9111
  • Southern Trust – 028 3833 444

If you have any safeguarding concerns at all or you wish to offer feedback on the Organisation and its safeguarding procedures, email



Youth 2000 requires all volunteers to undergo the following procedure and to pass the the checks and meet all the requirements therein:


  • Youth 2000 requires all its volunteers to have a full police background check. To begin this process contact


NB… Where this is unavailable, bespoke Youth 2000 specific training will be provided by a Youth 2000 volunteer who has complete DO training with the relevant authority, as a part of the Internal Training Requirements.


  • You will have to undergo training with the Youth 2000 Adult Champion, DLP or DO. This will be completed in person or online and will contain a focus on the procedures within Youth 2000
