Gospel Reflection of Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity – Sunday 11th June 2017

Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity

(Sunday 11th June 2017)


God calls us to believe in goodness, truth and happiness – (John 3:16-18)

This Sunday is really the culmination of all we have been celebrating during the liturgical year.

Jesus comes into the world not simply to tell us that there is a god or indeed to tell us things about God. He comes into the world to bring us into the very heart of God so that we can know and love God and live in communion with Him, God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Last week we celebrated Pentecost, the sending forth of the Holy Spirit. He is the very loving communion of the Father and the Son. With his coming into the world as the fruit of Christ’s life, death and resurrection into glory, God has shown us that he is not some isolated source of energy or some great being in the sky. But we now know that God is a communion of love.

This communion of love who lies at the centre of all reality teaches us that fundamentally all is good. In a world threatened by violence and terrorism, insecure in its very existence by global warming, today’s feast is most important for it teaches us that love not hatred is the real force in the world and that life not death is the calling of all that is.

Our belief in the Most Holy Trinity may seem to be an added extra to our faith in Jesus but today we are reminded that it is who he is and what he desires for us. He comes from the communion of divine love and he wants us also to live in this communion of  divine love. This is fundamentally good news. You and I are meant to live in love, to be known and understood.

Alas we are becoming used to the sights of dead bodies on our streets, London isn’t that far away. Today’s feast teaches us that life and God is far more than such terrible sights. Each of those people were loved and the sum total of their lives was not to be brutally killed on a London street. There is much more to reality, there is God, who is not a vengeful terrorist but a communion of love who has redeemed us from sin and such fear so that we can live in the loving beauty of communion with him. He who is unity in the three persons calls us to believe in goodness, truth and happiness.

Today’s feast brings us to the very core of truth and life, the God of Holy Communion, who invites us into such communion.

Fr. John Harris O.P.