Gospel Reflection for Sunday the 7th of November 2021

Gospel Reflection for  Sunday the 7th of November 2021

32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 

To view the Gospel for Sunday please click here!


Mark 12:38-44

This incident takes up a theme present in the first reading, namely that those who show the greatest generosity are not always those with the most to give. However, before Jesus comments on the poor widow who gives of her all he roundly condemns those whose behaviour brings the practice of religion into discredit. Their aim is to be noticed and well thought of because of their adherence to religious ritual but by their actions they are revealed as oppressors who care nothing for the plight of those most in need, in fact they even add to their misery. This is a sham that offends Jesus to the core. It is in the context of condemning such behaviour that he notices the poor widow whose actions show her to be a woman of deep faith and trust. It is worth pointing out that Jesus is not suggesting that the poor who give of what they have and leave themselves with nothing are doing wht is expected of them. No, he is merely using the behaviour of the woman the show up the inadequacies of others who could learn much from her.

In the modern era it is no doubt hard for us to relate to language a out the blood of animals and sacrifices by priests in the temple. However, the language of sacrifice is still very relevant to our world. Ironically this can be seen in the first reading where the actions of a poverty-stricken widow show us that the only sacrifice that matters is self sacrifice. God is not interested in the spilling of blood for this makes no change either in him or us; Rather God is concerned about whether we live for ourselves of for others, and Jesus in offering his life, not just by his death on the cross but by everything he did, has shown us the way.

– Fr Donal Neary SJ

(This weeks reflection was taken from https://www.catholicireland.net/sunday-homily/#mdv )