Youth 2000’s New Patron Saint

On December 12th we will adopt St Andrew as a patron saint of Youth 2000 Ireland!

Why St Andrew? Eucharistic evangelisation is at the heart of Youth 2000 and St Andrew is a model for us to do this. Andrew quickly found his brother Simon and told him “We have found the Messiah.” (John 1: 41) He brought Simon to meet Jesus. When we come to Youth 2000 we are introduced to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. We meet Jesus, truly present, and get to know Him. We are transformed by Him. Then we invite others to come to meet Him. We say to them ‘We have found the Messiah!’ And so, as we endeavour to live out our mission of Eucharistic evangelisation we ask for the intercession of St Andrew as one of our patrons. Join us on December 12th at 3pm at your nearest venue to celebrate! In honor of our new patron we will pray the St Andrew Christmas Novena every day until Christmas Eve for the mission of Youth 2000 and for all of your intentions.

Please pray with us by joining in on social media St Andrew, pray for us!