Frequently Asked Questions

We hope this helps you… Below are some of the questions we get regularly asked.

What happens at Youth 2000 Festivals and Retreats?
At our festivals and retreats, you will find out all you need to know about your Catholic faith in a practical language that you understand, together with young people from all over Ireland. Youth 2000 festivals and retreats are the places to learn the basics of your faith and discover the great love that God has for you, a love that is tangible and results in a life that is more fulfilled. There is also music, games, talks from incredible speakers, workshops, and much more.

Who runs them?
Young people for young people. We also collaborate with priests, religious and older people.

How do I book?
See the link for online booking on the upcoming events section of the website.

Who are the retreats for?
Youth 2000 retreats are for those between the ages of 16 and 35 years of age. As a retreatant, if you are under the age of 16 or over the age of 35, you cannot stay on-site at night.

I am under 18, how do I book?
Youth 2000 retreats are for those between the ages of 16 and 35 years of age. If you are under the age of 16 or over the age of 35, you cannot stay on-site at night. For those who are under 18 (either 16 or 17 years of age), and wish to attend our retreats, complete the online booking facility but choose the under 18 option.  At the end of this process you will be shown a parental consent form, please print this off, get it signed by your parent/guardian and present it to the Under 18 registration desk with your formal identification when you arrive at the event. This applies for all 16 & 17 year olds.

How much does it cost?
There is no official cost.  We operate on a donation only basis, so if over the weekend you can afford to give a small donation, please give what you can afford.  If you can’t afford to give anything, please come along anyway!

Are there free buses to all your events?
No, there are no free buses to our smaller regional retreats.  We only have free buses to our Christmas Retreat and our Summer Festival.

Where do I sleep? 
In a warm room, either on a proper bed in a dormitory or an airbed in a room.  Male and female areas are separate as are over 18 and under 18 accommodation.

Are meals included? 
Yes, all meals are included.

What is the schedule?
The Summer Festival always runs from Thursday afternoon until Sunday afternoon, while the other retreats during the year typically run from Friday night until Sunday afternoon.



I can only come for part of it, is this okay?
Yes, you are welcome to join us at any stage over the weekend.  Please book online anyway so we know you are coming.

I live locally, can I drop in and out?
Yes, please feel welcome to drop in and out, just let the team at the registration desk know if you are leaving temporarily or returning and leave your lanyard with them, to collect on your return. This way we always know who is actually on-site in case of emergency etc.  If you are under 18, we would need to confirm the arrangements for you to come and go with your legal guardian in advance.

I do not know anyone, is this okay?
Yes, please come along!  The vast majority of newcomers do not know anyone and they have a great time.  We are a friendly bunch and you will be made most welcome!

What do I need to bring?
Bring a sleeping bag, pillow, towel and all the usual things you would bring when going away. If you have a medical condition that requires regular medication, please bring your medication and let us know.

I have special dietary needs, can these be catered for?
We endeavour to do so as best we can.  Please notify us on your online booking form.  It would be a good idea to bring the additional, special foodstuffs you normally use with you too.

Who can I contact for further info?
Email the Youth 2000 National Office at or call us on 00353 1 675 3690.