2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
(Sunday 15th January 2017)
The Lamb of God bringing Unity – (John 1:29-34)
“Look, there is the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world.” One thing has always attracted me, and drawn me into the work of Youth 2000 is the central place the Holy Eucharist has in everything we do. According to the catechism; ‘The Holy Eucharist is the source and centre of our Christian life, therefore it should be the centre of our lives.’ While I cannot say it hasn’t been challenged, the reality of Christ’s presence in the Eucharist has not been rejected, since it was first instituted at the last supper. I’m reminded of the great Cure D’Ars in his preaching, how often, with tears, he would point to the tabernacle and simply say; “There He is”. As we begin a new calendar year, its like the Church wants to put this foundational teaching in front of us again. Because they are aware, the world will put many lesser things in front of us demanding our attention. In some ways to say; as we begin the year, it is necessary to remind ourselves of this central teaching; that Christ, the Lamb of God who takes our sins away is the One put before us, the One who is more important than any other to fix our gaze upon.
This is something of the mystery we are being led into in today’s gospel. John the Baptist has been preparing the people for the coming of Christ. It is good to imagine the suspense, the hunger he has been trying to put into their hearts for their Saviour, and suddenly He appears to them. The Lamb of God, the very One whom they have spent so long waiting for suddenly He comes, He appears just like one of themselves. How excited they should have been to meet with him, yet so much like today you would imagine the excitement of some people, the indifference of others, the coldness of others probably no different to the welcome He gets today. The church does want to remind us of the saints that lead us to Christ, of our Lady who tells us; “Do whatever he tells you”, of the teachings our Church offers, but foundational is Christ present to us in the Holy Eucharist. Yes, society and others will try to draw our attention to lesser things, but we have a gift that is greater than anything else, which first deserves of our love and attention. In 2009, as he proclaimed the year of the priest, Pope Benedict XVI quoting St John Vianney said; “We know that Jesus is there in the tabernacle: let us open our hearts to him, let us rejoice in his sacred presence. That is the best prayer”.
Fr. Seán Crowley