Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord
(Sunday 13th May 2018)
Our homeland is in Heaven, Eternity is our goal – (Mark 16:15-20)
Today the Church celebrates the Ascension of the Lord when Jesus ascended body and soul into Heaven forty days after he rose from the dead on Easter morning – the second glorious mystery of the rosary. We know that later Mary was assumed into heaven body and soul – the fourth glorious mystery of the rosary. So in Heaven are Jesus and Mary, like you and me, in body and soul.
The Ascension of Jesus into Heaven is not the final act of His ministry here on earth, but He did complete his Father’s mission during His lifetime here. Jesus was accepted and fulfilled the mission that He was sent to do. His Ascension into Heaven does not mean His absence here on earth now, but rather His continuous presence with us backed by the infinite power and the glory of God. Jesus now rules with all authority in Heaven and on earth and intercedes for us as our mediator and High Priest in the presence of His Father with the Holy Spirit, so that where He is, we may be too one day. Jesus is always close to us and said ‘Know that I am with you always; yes, to the end of time.’
We hear in saint Mark’s Gospel today the main mission Jesus left His Apostles with was to teach others all that He had taught them. This is called evangelising or spreading the Gospel message. All Christians are called to be witnesses of Christ. Saint Francis of Assisi said to ‘Preach the good news and use words if you have to‘. We witness to Jesus most effectively by the very way we live our lives. By going to mass, receiving the sacraments, praying, loving God and our neighbour, even sharing with another something we found helpful today which will help them too, is giving witness to Jesus because we are Christians.
With all the changes we experience in life the two things which have not changed is Jesus himself and every word of His message. The messenger and His message to us remains the same and will always remain the same. Just as the Apostles in St. Mark’s Gospel obeyed Jesus, we are also asked to obey Christ’s message for us too. His method of redemption and salvation continues from generation to generation, until the end of time. The Ascension of Jesus into heaven means for us our own salvation too. Jesus is the head of the Church and He has gone before us and we, the body of the Church, are called to follow Him, living like Him, in faith, in trust, and in hope, so that where He is we may be too. St. Augustine said ‘The Ascension of the Lord enables us to be with Jesus because where the head is the body must also be‘ So this is a cause for us to rejoice and give praise and thanksgiving to God.
Our homeland is in Heaven, eternity is our goal. Where Christ has gone we hope one day to follow.
Fr. Noel Weir