31st Sunday in Ordinary Time – Sunday 30th October 2016

31st Sunday in Ordinary Time

 (Sunday 30th October 2016)


 God’s miracles await us – Luke 19:1-10

 Years ago I lived in a Franciscan house in the inner city of Cincinnatti which was called ‘Zacchaeus Friary’.  Our Gospel today tells of its namesake, Zacchaeus the tax collector.  He had an unpopular job in Jesus’ time.  Tax collectors collaborated with the Romans and were accused of skimming off funds.

 Now Zaccheus, as you may recall, climbs a sycamore tree to get a better view as Jesus passes by.  Zacchaeus Friary in Cinncinati got its name because in front of the house was a tree.  I do not recall if it was a sycamore tree but it was the only tree in that part of the inner city neighbourhood.  The project of the Friars who lived there was to be inserted into that neighbourhood, living simply themselves among people who were poor.  And that mission connects with our Gospel story today.

Jesus invites himself to dinner at Zacchaeus’ house. Jesus wishes to insert himself into the man’s life, as Jesus says, “….to seek out and save what was lost”.  And the response to Jesus’ outreach is a real miracle.  Zacchaeus promises to generously help the poor and to right any wrongs that he may have done to others.  The by-standers are scandalised.  But the Gospels are full of stories of Jesus associating with the “wrong kind of people”.  He inserted himself into the lives of people in need of healing, of forgiveness, of reconnection with the community.  And in the process, He also encountered people like Zacchaeus who were open and eager for salvation.

 Now this Gospel offers us two possible responses; First, we may find ourselves in need to reconnect with Jesus, to receive His Mercy and forgiveness.  Second, we may also find ourselves challenged to insert ourselves into the lives of those rejected or on the margins of our society.  In any case, God’s miracles await us.