19th Sunday in Ordinary Time
(Sunday 12th August 2018)
“Formed by Divine Teaching” – John 6:41-51
In this Sunday’s Gospel the people listening to Jesus dismiss him because they know his family and relatives. They use this knowledge as a reason not to listen to what He is saying about God as His Father, or that the knowledge He claims is heavenly. It is easier to dismiss Him than take seriously the religious content of his preaching.
We live in a secular age, that is to say our horizons are completely limited by this world and its ideas of success and failure. People generally live their lives as if they have only this life to live. Death, judgement, heaven and hell (the four last things) have little if any relevance to their lives. And to make sure that we never think of such things the culture around us keeps our minds occupied on less important things, like how we look, where do we live, how much money do we have in our bank accounts.
For lots of people now death is some kind of a passage into some nice place but when you ask them more closely it becomes clear that they have never really thought about life after death. Eternal life is some kind of never-never land. Yet this is exactly what the Lord Jesus came to not simply teach us about but make it a reality in our lives.
When we pray in Christ we lift our minds beyond this world and enter the beginnings of eternal life, life with God. This is the real world you and I are invited in Christ to inhabit. Accept the offer of Christ with great humility and simply accept His love for us and open ourselves to the Truth of the Gospel.
Don’t be fooled by this passing world into believing that this is all that is on offer. Think great things, think like God. Jesus shows you the way to this true life.