2nd Sunday of Lent – Sunday 12th March 2017

2nd Sunday of Lent

(Sunday 12th March 2017)


Divine Brightness – (Matthew 17:1-9)

A thing to remember when we read a passage from the gospel is that we are meant to apply it to our own lives in the present, to let the Word of God become a personal spiritual experience. So, when Jesus takes Peter, James and John, he also takes you and me with Him up the high mountain.

The first thing is to realize what it means for you to be chosen by Jesus for this experience; how important and precious an invitation this is. It means that you are chosen for an especially close and intimate relationship with Jesus.

Do you accept the invitation and allow yourself to be taken by Jesus on this journey? It means being alone with Him in the company of others. It means being totally alone with him in the solitude of prayer, a solitude that can be found in various ways and places.

It’s a demanding experience, a high and, at times, difficult climb – something you cannot achieve on your own or by your own strength. You need the companionship and strength of Jesus and you need the companionship of other believers.  At times, you might even need others to carry you, just as others may need to be carried by you.

The Transfiguration is real and not just a story.  The amazing, astonishing brightness of God shines through Jesus and it is the promise given to us that we too will one day shine with the same brightness.  The brightness is already within us, within you from your baptism.

Two things are necessary to make it grow stronger – prayer and mercy, both of which are expressions of Love. By feeding the hungry, looking after the poor, by being kind to others God says “Then your light shall break forth like the morning!” (Isaiah 58:8).  And in Adoration we meet the brightness of Jesus in a most special way.

It is there too that we are called to hear what Jesus hears from His Father – “This my Son the beloved; He enjoys my favour. Listen to Him!

What is said to Jesus is said to you – you are God’s beloved and favoured daughter or son. It’s worth sitting in silence with that thought.  If you listen to Jesus, listen to the Gospel, then you will come to accept and understand this beautiful reality – that you are God’s beloved, favoured one.

It does not mean that we must spend all our time either doing works of mercy or being in Adoration. All the other responsibilities of life must be fulfilled – such as participating in family, developing our good friendships, being involved in the things we are talented at, study, sport etc. These too, when connected to the life of prayer and mercy, help increase the divine brightness within us.

Fr. Eamonn Monson SAC